You are Yethu
Champion Teachers make the network.
Welcome to the Yethu Engagement Platform.
You are officially part of a community of inspiring change agents committed to preventing learner dropout.
We have created a digital space for you to share best practices, ask questions and find helpful resources to bring Yethu principles to life in your schools. We want you to use this platform to grow your Yethu Clubs and make meaningful connections with your peers.
“When a child drops out of school, I am traumatised. I wish I could take that child and help them to see the importance of being educated. You must know that there is a long way to go in life.”
Xoliswa Adonis, teacher in Duncan Village
Champion Teachers make the network
Champion Teachers are inspirational educators who want to make a difference in their schools.
They are dedicated to their craft and motivated to find ways to help learners to stay in, and succeed at, school. And when learners are supported to keep their grip on schooling, they have a chance to study further, earn, and contribute to social and economic life.
This outcome is good for the health of our entire nation.
What you will find on the Yethu Engagement Platform
To help Champion Teachers to find their way, we have designed a special learning journey on how to bring Yethu to life in schools. You will also find resources, guides and information packs to download on this platform. We have also created an online community space for you to ask questions, communicate and share ideas. By joining this platform, you are agreeing to be part of a caring and supportive community in which solutions to dropout are co-created.
You are part of a community of inspirational change agents.